Press on

Sometimes I struggle with motivation, I feel deflated and overwhelmed by the world. A feeling at direct opposites with what I want to be doing and where I want to be going. Do you have this too, sometimes? Last week my Dad sent me a quote. His message popped into my...

Nurture your adrenals: part 2

Here are my top 10 tips for nurturing your adrenals : (if you’re thinking “WHAT are adrenals?” read this first) DIET 1. Eat enough protein Protein foods are made of amino acids, the ‘building blocks’ of life. You need these guys to stay...

Tips for a flat day

Sometimes I feel flat. Squashed and uninspired. Maybe you do too? We’re not alone. I’ve written earlier about two simple strategies for alleviating the downward pull of black dog days. My go-to fixes are exercise (burning up excess nervous energy and...