Environmental health

Stay away, Sicko.

It's that time of year: snot-ridden, cough-laden cold and flu season. As a result, do you know what I'm seeing a lot of? Sick people. In the clinic, yes, that's to be expected. But everywhere else too... at the shops, on public transport, in offices and schools, at...

How much sunshine?

Do you get enough sunshine? Especially now that the days are getting shorter? Here's a nifty map I came across that shows how much sun you need each day to keep your vitamin D at a healthy level. You may be surprised at how many rays you'll need to catch - especially...


You GUYS. I was at TEDxSydney on the weekend and I still feel a bit ga-ga about the excellent time I had. Honestly, it was awesome. The speakers, performers, volunteers, crowd-sourced food, location, all the other punters like me... Gaaah! So amazing! I've been a...

Straighten up!

I keep seeing people, everywhere I go, who are slumped and crumpled. Bunched up, curled over and tightly wound. I want to grab them and say: "Hey! My friend! Straighten up! Stretch your spine out!" We're all so sedentary. We're all so disconnected from our bodies,...

Real Food

I did a wonderful thing on the weekend. It was a real treat and I wish you all could have been there. On Saturday I went to Town Hall and sat in on the Real Food Forum. US farmer, lecturer, author and all-round-excellent-individual Joel Salatin was the feature act. He...