Pregnancy Support

Being in good health before conceiving is ideal, but pregnancy itself is a health journey that will benefit immensely from specialised care. During pregnancy your body will go through a huge amount of change. It’s a wonderful time and an especially important one in which to take special care of both yourself and your babe. Managing morning sickness, supporting energy and preparing your body for birth are some areas I can support you with.

Top tips for swollen feet

Swollen legs and feet are an uncomfortable and common pregnancy symptom. Have you experienced unfortunate 'fat' feet? I certainly have, as have many of my patients. There are a number of simple measures you can take, however, that will make a world of difference. I've...

Feeling spewy?

Feeling sick through the early stages of pregnancy is not pleasant, but not unusual. In fact, up to 80% of women have mild to moderate nausea and over half of these will also experience vomiting. Once  you're through the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy,...