At last week’s Natural Immune Health workshop, we went through some of the best home remedies and natural strategies for warding off coughs and colds. One of the things I discussed, and had on hand to taste, was a garlic and ginger oxymel. This potent home remedy has ingredients that offer antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing properties; so it’s perfect to have on hand for when you feel something coming on, or have already come down with a lurgy.
1 garlic bulb
2 teaspoon fennel seeds
2 teaspoon caraway seeds
200ml apple cider vinegar
3-4 tablespoons honey
+/- fresh ginger, cinnamon quills, cracked pepper, fresh or dried chillis, etc.
Combine seeds and vinegar in small pot and heat gently on stovetop, without boiling. Remove from heat after several minutes.
Strain, then add honey and allow to dissolve in warm mixture.
Peel and crush or roughly chop garlic, add to honey/vinegar mix and warm for another few minutes. Additional ingredients, such as fresh grated ginger, can be added at this step.
Pour into a glass jar. The garlic can be kept in the mix or strained as desired.
Dose: 1-2 teaspoons ‘as needed’ is what’s usually recommended, but when you’re really congested, take as often as you can manage – the more the better! This is safe for toddlers and children too, though the strong flavour can be prohibitive for some. I have a more kid-friendly version that I’ll share on the blog next week.
This concoction will keep in the fridge for up to 3 months.