Well, it’s just about time for me to return to Sydney!
Three months have flown by and while we’ve been based in Oxford for the majority of our stay, we’ve also travelled around the UK and done a couple of short trips to Europe… making the most of being on this side of the globe! So many beautiful and inspiring places to see! We are all feeling very lucky to have had this experience, even more so to have shared it together.
Now, however, it’s almost time for us to pack up our bags one last time and head home to Sydney. And, once we’ve unpacked and settled Molly back into school, it’s time for ME to get back into the clinic!
From 18th March, I’ll be back at Paradigm and available for appointments between 8.30am and 4pm each Wednesday. If you want to get in and see me there, call Rachelle or Katie on (02) 9235 0100. The wonderful Melinda, who joined Paradigm at the start of the year, will still be available for acupuncture on Thursdays and Fridays, in case you are not able to get in for an appointment with me.
From late March / early April, I will also be covering a locum position with Amy Forth, in Randwick, on Mondays and Thursdays. While I’ll mostly be seeing Amy’s patients at this practice, you are welcome to book in and see me there, if you prefer the Eastern suburbs to the CBD: bookings for Randwick are done online.
The reason I’m doing just one shift at Paradigm each week, though I absolutely love it there, is that I don’t have the time and energy to devote to rebuilding the practice… as we are once again moving for my husband’s work. I KNOW! Jon has been offered and accepted a position at Southern Cross University, in Northern NSW, and we will be moving up there in July. Permanently relocating our family, meaning (among other things) I’ll be starting a practice from scratch – again! – was not a decision we made lightly. However, we know it’s the right one.
What this means for clinic is that I will still be in Sydney and available for acupuncture and/or naturopathic appointments from mid-March through until late June. Please do get in touch and come and see me before I leave Sydney for good. I would love to see you all before I go, catch up and check in with how your health is tracking. And after that… come visit me in the Northern Rivers, anytime!