Q&A with Lauren from The LifePod

As you may know, I'm a big fan of yoga generally and particularly during pregnancy. All through my pregnancy I've practiced yoga, both at home and with local studio The LifePod - something I've enjoyed immensely. I asked LifePod founder, Lauren Falconer, if she'd do a...

Where in the world..?

Hello pals. Apologies for the blog absence. I just... haven't been here. I have a long list of ideas and several half-started / unfinished posts on the burner. BUT these last weeks of pregnancy, some intense nesting (scrubbing walls, cleaning out boxes that have been...

On leave

So. As of today I am *officially* on maternity leave. I've been phasing out of work over the past week, finishing up my writing job and tying up loose ends with the clinic. But from now, apart from blogging here and a few guest posts previously scheduled, I am turning...

Tips for better energy in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of enormous change and, particularly in the first and third trimesters, it’s normal to feel tired. Mental and physical fatigue is a result of the processes involved in growing another human – it’s important to respect your body during this time!...

Up your Iron

  Put your hand up if you have (or have previously had) low iron *raises hand* It's incredibly common, particularly among undernourished children, young women, the elderly and during pregnancy. But, in fact, just about anyone can develop a deficiency. Signs that...

Yoga and Pregnancy

I've been a bit absent from this space over the past few weeks, I apologise! Getting a new website up and running, while tying up a bundle of work in the transition to maternity leave has been quite consuming. However. I'm back now. Hi. *waves* I've got a few good...

Nourish Yourself

Health and happiness begin on the inside, they aren’t external… something that can be easily forgotten in our appearance-obsessed culture. I’ve written a post for my friends over at Mantra Mats all about the importance of nourishing yourself from within. Click here to...

Top tips for swollen feet

Swollen legs and feet are an uncomfortable and common pregnancy symptom. Have you experienced unfortunate 'fat' feet? I certainly have, as have many of my patients. There are a number of simple measures you can take, however, that will make a world of difference. I've...