Acupuncture has a long history of traditional use in fertility, pregnancy and birth support.
What’s the beef with cancer?
Over the weekend it was National Cancer Day (4th Feb) and as part of this, I wrote a summary for our clinic patients about the evidence linking meat consumption to certain cancers. You can read it here. The upshot is: the evidence supports the classification of...
Food’s effect on our mental health
I met Sarah McKay (medical writer / neuroscientist / blogger) at last week's trivia tournament - not only is she lovely, Sarah was also was a total boon for our team! I've read her blog on and off for a while now, so it was great to meet in person and chat about some...
Why breakfast matters
Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? It's definitely in the top three. Eating something in the morning provides fuel for your activity in the early part of the day. Breakfast plays an important role in both blood sugar regulation and metabolic...
The cost of being healthy
An interesting article was published in the BMJ late last year, looking at the cost (as in, affect on our wallets) of healthy diet and lifestyle patterns. The article's lead author explained: "people often say that healthier foods are more expensive and that such...
Your sleep cycle. Your mood. Related?
Sleep is one of the most important factors for health and wellbeing. It helps your body recharge each day. When you don't get enough, it can significantly impact your mood, energy, concentration, memory, appetite, metabolism and hormones. Sleep matters! I often talk...
Do yoga. Think clearer.
I've just come across a small study on yoga, published a little earlier this year. I thought you might be interested too. Researchers at the University of Illinois assessed the effect of yoga, compared to aerobic exercise, on cognition. Interestingly, after just one...
Ward off a hangover by… eating asparagus
I just came across this study, admittedly several years old now, which has linked eating asparagus to a better recovery following a night on tiles. Well, yes ok, the researchers didn't quite look at it that way... but we can extrapolate (and have). According to...
BPA in canned and pre-packed food
I talk to people about food and health, most days. I discuss how one affects the other, and why it's important to be aware of this link. However, what we also all need to be aware of are the chemicals and preservatives found in our foods - often without us knowing -...
Fast food children
Look, we all need to eat better. Well most of us do, or at least could, if only we would. It seems obvious to say that eating healthy food will give you better health. But I feel like I need to keep delivering this message, regularly and in attention seeking ways, as...