Catastrophic flooding has exposed us to the worst and most devastating impacts. It has also shone a light on the best – the very best – of this community.

Catastrophic flooding has exposed us to the worst and most devastating impacts. It has also shone a light on the best – the very best – of this community.
Hello and Happy New Year from Oxford!It has been a strange start to the year for many of us, with catastrophic bush fires burning across Australia that have resulted in absolutely devastating consequences for many individuals, our native wildlife and environment. It...
Over the weekend it was National Cancer Day (4th Feb) and as part of this, I wrote a summary for our clinic patients about the evidence linking meat consumption to certain cancers. You can read it here. The upshot is: the evidence supports the classification of...
Last year I wrote a post on why we should talk about tampons: what we're using, what's in it and how this can affect our health. It's an important topic, as most of us will use tampons and/or pads every month that we menstruate, for decades of our life. Now, however,...
The benefits of moving your body regularly, every day if possible, cannot be overstated. Regular exercise keeps your physical body healthy, while also benefiting your mental and emotional wellbeing. When you’re busy, stressed or engaged in heavy mental activity,...
And the blog-hop has kicked off! Ananda from Vitale has posted a wonderful article on changing your skin care regime to something significantly more natural and nurturing. "...when I think back to one of the biggest changes I made in my health it was to change from...
Happy news from here: I've joined an online collective with some wonderful Aussie health colleagues (naturopaths, acupuncturists, aromatherapists and a horticulturist) with whom I'll soon be doing some bloggy exchanges. Will be great! Our Health and Happiness...
I talk about tampons quite a bit, but still probably not as much as I should. Most of us use them, often alongside a number of other sanitary products, but rarely if ever talk about it. So, let's chat. I want to get you thinking and talking about what you're using....
I'm sick! How embarrassing.* Seriously. As someone who works in HEALTH, being sick seems ... inappropriate. Particularly after crowing about my vitality and wellbeing to my family and friends. Let that be a lesson on the vulgarity of boasting! It also doesn't help...
Hello! I have re-entered the blogosphere! Had a bit of a hiatus while travelling and whatnot, but now I'm well and truly back home... and back in the swing once more. While we were away, my husband and I did a lot of soaking. We, literally, got in a lot of hot water....