It’s that time of year again… the weather is cooling down and lurgy season is upon us. I’m hearing a lot of people complaining of malaise, congestion and respiratory infections. So, just like last year, I’ve made up a BIG batch of herbal Flu Brew for you all to have on hand.
This blend supports the immune system, tonifies the respiratory tract and can be used at low dose to ward off lurgies or higher dose to help kick an active infection.
I’m still in the Pyrmont clinic for another few weeks (after that, only in the CBD) and you can drop in here collect some directly from the clinic. Otherwise, if you want to call or email a request, I can send all over Oz.
Now. Look. This mix doesn’t taste great. BUT it does the trick! Also. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, this isn’t the mix for you. Same applies with certain medications and I strongly encourage you to check with me or another herbalist if you have any Qs about taking. I can (and often do) adapt this blend to suit individual needs.
The Flu Brew is available in 100ml bottles for $25.50 each. It also comes with a diet and lifestyle guide for Winter immune wellness. Get some for your herbal medicine cabinet!