Brissie acupuncturist (and all-round great person) Sarah George and I have presented at the Woodford Folk Festival several times in the past few years. We also created an eBook from one of our more popular talks, to share with participants and our patients in clinic. Currently, Sarah is offering up a copy of the book to her blog subscribers!
The eBook covers a number of simple self care techniques for some of the most common health complaints Sarah and I see in clinic, including:
Digestive disorders
I discuss easy home herb remedies, and Sarah takes you through some effective and simple acupressure techniques.
So if you’re looking for some easy and effective home health tips, get yourself over to Sarah’s blog and download now.
It’s certainly worth a look, if I do say so myself!
I ran two Sydney community workshops earlier this year – one on Grain Free Eating and another on Kitchen Remedies. Any takers for eBook compilations of those?