Travelling and time out

Mid-next week I’ll be heading away for just shy of a month on what promises to be an extremely juicy and interesting trip. Jon and I are Europe-bound for a combination of working and holidaying. The trip is mainly because both of us are presenting at a large...

How much sunshine?

Do you get enough sunshine? Especially now that the days are getting shorter? Here’s a nifty map I came across that shows how much sun you need each day to keep your vitamin D at a healthy level. You may be surprised at how many rays you’ll need to catch...

Unslump yo’self

My friend Ange is one of the most gorgeous people I know: a complete glamourbabe with a heart of absolute gold. Gold! She makes up one half of the sparkly duo Swirls and Twirls, who are based in Queensland, but travel all over Australia and the world in search of the...

Everyone seems to be eating clay

Consuming clay is pretty popular at the moment, particularly as there’s been a lot of buzz online, in social media and whatnot. However, although we’re hearing about it more recently, clay isn’t a fad, but a traditional medicinal food that has also...